Author: Dav Nash

Founder of Latent Clarity and author of the Clarity newsletter.

I help new and solo marketers be the best they can with practical, actionable, (and sometimes funny) advice.

Analytics Essentials Simplified

How to set up, configure and get tracking with Google Analytics. Featuring a thrilling (🤷) deep dive into metrics and interpretation.

Doing SEO: A Simple (EPIC) Guide for New Marketers

This article literally teaches you how to do SEO. Trust me, it’s easier than you think!

Busting Marketing Myths: Fact vs. Fiction

Let’s go through some of the most believable marketing myths and set them straight.

Choosing Your Marketing Channels: A BIBLICAL Guide for Solo Marketers

By the end of this article, you’ll know exactly which channels are right for you and when to use them.

Top 5 Mistakes New Marketers Make and How to Avoid Them

Marketing is full of pitfalls. I should know – I’ve fallen down plenty of them myself.

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